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Your support will enable us to send more aid to Ukraine.

Image of Ukraine Flag

Little Wing Relief is shipping to Ukraine and seeking supplies and donations

When disaster strikes, humanitarian groups and individuals step up to answer the call for help. Despite governmental support, additional assistance is critical for populations experiencing crisis. More than ever before, conflict affected populations rely on assistance from humanitarians to survive.  Humanitarian groups and individuals rely on support from donors in order to provide desperately needed assistance to the country in need.


"The war in Ukraine is causing unimaginable human suffering with a tragic loss of life and the displacement of millions...An alarming economic decline, and the suffering and hardship it will bring to an already traumatised population must now come into sharper focus.
There is still time to halt this grim trajectory." Achim Steiner - United Nations Development Program

Link to Youtube video

Narrated by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky

The UN now reports 39,081 Civilian Casualties in Ukraine
        The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) verified as of Nov. 2024

12,162 killed
26,919 injured

as the receipt of information from some locations where intense hostilities have
been going on has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration.

        Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal reports as a result of the shelling, bombing and airstrikes by the Russians:

Destroyed or Damaged
- 45 million square meters of housing
- 740 hospitals
and medical institutions
- 1,900 educational institutions
- 630 places of worship
- 25,000 kilometers of roads
- 350 bridges
- 12 airports
         And Rising.


You might ask

       - Go to the store and fill up a bag or two with things from the Needs List.
       - Clean out your medicine chest and bring in new unused medicines, salves, hygiene things, etc.

        - Buy a case of canned goods (or just one can!)
        - Buy diapers and powdered baby formula.
        - Bring in small clean huggable stuffed toys for Ukrainian kids who need a pal (no Beanie Babies.)            
        - Collect medical supplies (e.g. tourniquets, gauze & bandages are in short supply.)
        - Get a big bag of dog or cat food for the pets that had to be left behind by fleeing Ukrainians.
        - Donate used military and law enforcement gear (e.g. used body armor, helmets, vests, etc.)

        - Write a check to Little Wing Relief (best) or donate online (a percentage is taken off the top).

image of cases of non-perishable food bound for Ukraine

Get creative.
Give a little or Give a lot.
It all counts!


A collection box can be found at this fine establishment:
Seaman's Cardinal Super Market
305 W Union, Athens Ohio 45701  
Come to the Little Wing Curiosity Shoppe & Thrift Store
1006-C  E State St. Athens 45701

Drop-off RELIEF SUPPLIES and YARD SALE ITEMS during store hours

Monday         Closed
Tuesday      12:00 - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 12:00 - 5:00 pm
Thursday    12:00 - 5:00 pm
Friday         12:00 - 5:00 pm
Saturday     11:00 - 5:00 pm
Sunday         Closed

Or by arrangement.
Contact us.

Little Wing Relief Center is located on the rear side of the Market On State mall
1006-C  E State St. Athens 45701.
Just pull around back of the mall and look for the Little Wing sign on the glass door (east end behind IHOP).


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Thank You.
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Box 5891 Athens OH 45701     holly@littlewingrelief.org    740 331-0138     Copyright © Little Wing Relief       All rights reserved